• Duration

    2 hours

  • price


    Self-Integration 1:1 session on Zoom

    Choose your aspiration. Work on any areas that feel out of alignment; mental, emotional, energetic, physical, sexual, spiritual. Reclaim your self-trust and power to move into alignment; or focus on experiences you'd like to have.

    1:1 guidance for self-alignment

    A self-integration mentoring session is free-form: the workflow adapts organically to your needs. It may include mentoring, parts work to help lift blockages, witnessing, exercises or other practical support to your expansion. I can help you look at any areas that feel out of alignment; mental, emotional, energetic, physical, sexual, awareness; and to reclaim your self-trust and power to move into alignment. 1 session is 2 hours.
    Artwork: Carina Ehlers

    Work with emotions

    Do you feel blocked or stuck in an area of life? Often, the cause is unadressed emotions. I can help you integrate the parts that are hurting by giving them safe space, no matter how painful, terrifying or shameful. Only when it can be fully seen and held without pressure, can it be released from their hiding place in the unconscious.
    This unconditional presence ensures a full integration of all the parts of your being, so that you may approach a sense of unity within without suppression. The pain – both physical, emotional and mental, is allowed to transform, losing its energetic hold over you. All the energy you’ve spent suppressing it will be released. This will help you to feel lighter, less anxious, more free and having more energy.

    Read more: What is self-integration?

    Read more: Self integration guidance – how I work

    That said, I find it helpful if we can balance the shadow work with inviting some grounding, play, ease and lightness into our day to day experience. This enables us both to move the energy out of our body & energy, and to feel empowered to turn the self-awareness we gain into tangible change in our lives, so as to actually improve it.

    In integration guidance, I also offer support in learning how your mind could work for you rather than against you. Note that these are not part of the Completion Process, where my role as a practitioner is to offer you my full unconditional presence and compassion as your process naturally unfolds.

    Please note: I am not a medical professional. My services are complementary to and do not substitute medical support from your doctor, psychologist, psychotherapist or other health care provider.

    About the practitioner & practice

    I am a certified Completion Process Practitioner and Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher (260h), with additional trainings in trauma informed emotional support. I work with people across countries, cultures and labels, and bring a decade of experience of self-integration and healing work.

    My gift and burning passion is to hold space for and support deep healing and integration of all layers of our being – physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual. In reintegrating the lost parts of ourselves, we become naturally able to return to our state of inner wholeness.

    I have witnessed incredible healing of a wide variety of trauma; from physical, emotional and mental abuse, to “small” everyday life triggers, to the evolution towards divine feminine & masculine. I’ve seen how everything has a purpose; nothing is insignificant or too big in our lives. It’s an ever humbling experience to learn just how capable we all are to rise from our inheritance into our true selves.

    I’m dedicated to create a completely safe, non-judgmental space where all of you, and anything that comes up in a session is welcome and, of course, 100% confidential. Mutual trust is crucial both to address and heal deep wounds and blocks from their root, and to find courage for deeper self-intimacy and growth.

    While I do have a process and will help guide you through the aspects of your being, every person and situation is unique – hence each session evolves organically. You are always in charge of pace, what to explore more, what practices feel good to try on or not, what insights you wish to keep for your journey ahead, and so on.

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