Satya Sangha + Shakti Reiki + Self-Integration monthly

Receive all the value of the Satya Sangha...
AND a personal monthly self-integration session (value €160) to heal or align to your goals and dreams, AND a personal monthly Shakti Reiki session (value €65) á 30 minutes to top up your energy and boost awareness expansion.
Now €175 / month - standard price €225 just for the sessions! 

Shakti Reiki Energy Healing

Powerful energy healing that includes Reiki and shamanic connection with Gaia, which helps ground the expanded awareness of Reiki deeply into the body.

Self-Integration 1:1 session

Choose your aspiration. Work on any areas that feel out of alignment; reclaim your self-trust and power to move into alignment; or focus on desired experiences.


Satya offers one monthly paid workshop on different topics, and one webinar or group healing. All online workshops are freely included for members. Most are recorded and avaliable on-demand for your convenience.


Meet like-minded souls in the sangha! A monthly exploration and celebration circle, hosted on Zoom, allows you to connect in a more direct, fun and supportive way with fellow Lovers of life. First Friday every month, only live (not recorded).


Beginning with the appreciated "Awaken to Joy Retreat", an online self-guided 3-day (or more) journey, the course library will continually expand as we go. Next in line is the 5-day meditation journey
"Reconnect with the elements" 


Monthly live meditations and a continually expanding library of recorded meditations is part of the treasure chest of Satya Sangha. 
While we start small, new  meditations will be uploaded every
month on different themes. 

Satya Sangha + Shakti Reiki  Self-Integration

Receive all the value of the Satya Sangha (tier 1) AND a personal monthly Shakti Reiki session á 30 minutes to top up your energy and boost awareness expansion.
Write your awesome label here.

Satya Sangha

A sangha is not only about practicing self-awareness and love together. It's a safe space to explore and practice embodying all that you are, and all that you are becoming. It is also a place of unbecoming - where you can rid yourself of all appearances, and take rest in being nothing at all.

We show up to lovingly hold each other in being true to ourselves, vulnerable and authentic. Find support in healing and releasing, as much as in your blossoming and celebration. Let the radiance of your essence shine, from its trembling first step into its full intensity. 

All the colors of your rainbow deserve to be seen, and celebrated by people who can truly see you. This sangha, above all, is a place for soul connection. For remembrance of our unity, walking each other home.

Community Vision 

A Lover is someone who knows that our essence is loving, blissful unity. Embodiment is to practice this knowing in all interactions; internal and external.  The vision of Satya Sangha is to bring Lovers together in this practice to embody union. May it become a lived experience, as we come together to see and be seen beyond illusions.
monthly workshops
Healing support circle
Monthly Webinars
Celebration circle
Awakening to Joy Retreat
courses added continually 
Meditation library

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A monthly love letter with inspiring ideas, news, events, and discounts. No worries: zero spam or sharing with 3rd parties!

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